Elizabeth Seyler

Argentine Tango

Elizabeth M. Seyler, PhD, (aka Dr. Tango) is a dance scholar, instructor, and performer. She adores improvisation, East and West Coast swing, Cuban salsa, jazz tap, modern, and contemporary dance, but her specialty is Argentine tango. She wrote an award-winning 500-page doctoral dissertation on the history, demographics, and people of the Philadelphia tango community and studied the form in Montréal and Buenos Aires. She taught courses in tango history, dance, music, and culture at UVM for seven years and offered hundreds of community classes and events through her business, Tango Wise LLC, for more than a decade. Skilled at both leading and following in tango, she currently teaches in collaboration with Queen City Tango and encourages students to dance either role with whomever they choose. When not dancing, Elizabeth writes, edits, gardens, hikes, and advocates for a healthy planet.


Sharon McIlwaine


Megan Stearns